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  • ASBMR Underrepresented Minority Mentorship Awards

    The ASBMR URM Mentorship Awards Program aims to increase networking and mentorship opportunities as well as increasing active participation and representation from individuals in this group at the ASBMR Annual Meeting. Selected applicants will receive $1,000 USD in funding to help offset costs associated with traveling to the ASBMR Annual Meeting, as well as one-on-one mentorship with an ASBMR senior investigator.

    Travel funding:

    ASBMR URM Mentorship Awards will be provided to 10 selected applicants from underrepresented groups of undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and early career faculty and clinicians (within 5 years of obtaining a Ph.D. or M.D.) to attend the ASBMR Annual Meeting. $1,000 USD in funding will help to offset expenses associated with traveling to the ASBMR Annual Meeting including meeting registration, housing, meals, air and ground transportation, and tips. Disbursement of the travel funds will conform to the ASBMR travel policy.


    Prior to the ASBMR Annual Meeting, awardees will be matched with a senior member of the ASBMR who will provide one-on-one mentorship. Mentors will agree to attend the mentees abstract presentation (either oral or poster), meet one-on-one with the mentee at least one time during the conference, and attend the President's Reception with the mentee. During the President's Reception, both will receive a certificate for the award.

     Eligible Applicants:

    • Current ASBMR member
    • Submit an abstract as the first and presenting author to the ASBMR Annual Meeting
    • Student/trainee or within five years of completion of a Ph.D., M.D., residency training or equivalent
    • Have not received any other ASBMR-funded travel or young investigator support for current year Annual Mtg.
    • Self-identify with one of the following race/ethnicities, according to *NIH’s definition of under-represented minorities: black/African American, Hispanics or Latino, American Indians or Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islander

    *Please note: The ASBMR’s awards and programs specific to underrepresented minority and diverse groups has governing criteria defined by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). NIH defines underrepresented minority group status in the institutes Notice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity, which can be found here. Additional underrepresented minority group definitions can be found on the National Institutes of Health Diversity of Extramural Programs webpage.

    To Apply:

    To be considered for the URM Mentorship Award, you must submit an abstract (select the box for "ASBMR Underrepresented Minority Mentorship Award" in the Award Consideration section under General Information) and submit this application. The deadline for 2024 applications has past. Applicants will be notified in mid July.

    If awarded an ASBMR URM Mentorship Award, the awardee commits to submitting an abstract to the ASBMR Annual Meeting, and attending the meeting. If the awardee is unable to attend the Annual Meeting, travel funding and mentorship will not be provided. In the event that the Annual Meeting is held virtually, the awardee will receive complimentary meeting registration in lieu of travel funding, and mentor/mentee meetings will be held virtually.

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