The application portal for the 2025 John Haddad Young Investigators Award is closed. Award recipients will be notified by ASBMR Staff by December 20, 2024.
"We shoul
d sponsor investigation, training, communication of knowledge in all areas of mineral/bone biology, diagnostics, therapeutics... we should work to recognize trainees' investigative efforts by providing a stable, nurturing society that bolsters funding and addresses their needs... we should honor meritorious investigators in our field" -- John Haddad, M.D., ASBMR 10th President and Former AIMM Board Member.
John G. Haddad, Jr. M.D., was a pioneer in studies of vitamin D metabolism in both the laboratory and the clinic. He was one of the first to identify and analyze the role of the vitamin D binding protein. He also carried out extensive clinical studies in Paget's disease, as well as in osteoporosis and hyperparathyroidism.
Dr. Haddad was a regular and active participant in the Advances in Mineral Metabolism (AIMM) and a Past-President of ASBMR. The leadership of AIMM and the ASBMR agreed to collaborate in honoring John Haddad, Jr., and in supporting the development of young investigators by establishing the ASBMR John Haddad Young Investigator Awards which would allow ten young ASBMR investigators to participate in the AIMM/ASBMR Young Investigators' Meeting.
Purpose of Grant:
The purpose of this program is to facilitate the professional development of young basic and clinical scientists in the field of bone and mineral metabolism.
By providing financial support to attend the AIMM-ASBMR Meeting, the ASBMR hopes to promote the participation of promising young investigators at the meeting. Such support is intended to encourage the appropriate and necessary interaction with senior investigators and leaders in the field which will help to advance the careers of young investigators.
Those selected to attend the meeting will be required to present their research in a 15-20 minute presentation. They should be prepared for frequent interruptions of questions and comments during a 30 minute time slot. The meeting forum and program are designed to stimulate a dynamic, creative, and collaborative exchange of science in a supportive, retreat-like atmosphere.
Eligibility: At the time of application submission the applicant:
- Be at least two years past the terminal degree (Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent), but not more than two years as a faculty member as of November 15, 2024 (this includes instructor and research faculty positions).
- Not have more than seven years combined experience in post-graduate research training and/or as faculty, unless the applicant has had official institution-granted time of leave.
- Be a current ASBMR member.
Grant amount to be provided is $1,800.
A total of ten young investigators will be selected to receive the ASBMR John Haddad Young Investigator Awards and present their research at the 2025 AIMM-ASBMR Meeting on April 7 - 11, 2025 held in Snowmass, CO, USA.
To read more about the 2025 AIMM Conference in Snowmass, CO, please click here.
Testimonials from Previous Haddad Awardees