Sarah Dallas, Ph.D., 2024
Melissa Kacena, Ph.D., 2023
Teresita Bellido, Ph.D., 2022
Mary C. Farach-Carson, Ph.D., 2021
Theresa Guise, M.D., 2020
Laurie McCauley, Ph.D., 2019
Marian F. Young, Ph.D., 2018
Ellen M. Gravallese, M.D. 2017
Nancy Lane, M.D. 2016
2023 Stephen M. Krane Awardee Profile
Melissa Kacena, Ph.D.

“It is an honor to be selected for the 2023 Stephen M. Krane Award. I am particularly humbled by this award because Steve was a giant in our field who was a thoughtful scientist asking thoughtful questions. I would like to thank my long-time mentors, colleagues, and friends that nominated me for this great honor: Mike Econs, Larry Suva, and Nicky Partridge. I would also like to thank the Women’s Committee for supporting my nomination. I also thank my colleagues and friends with whom I have written grants, co-authored manuscripts, served on committees/study section, bounced ideas off of, or just shared a story over a drink. I thank all the reviewers that make our work better. I thank all of my students and staff that have worked diligently to complete our research objectives with the hope of improving patient outcomes. Finally, I thank my family for their support and patience.” ~ Melissa Kacena, Ph.D.