Message from ASBMR President Jennifer Westendorf, Ph.D. – November 22, 2024
Dear Colleagues,
It is an honor to serve as the President of our ASBMR. I am indebted to the many mentors, collaborators and young investigators who have been so essential to my scientific career. I especially want to thank immediate Past-President, Dr. Laura Calvi, for her mentorship over the last year. The ASBMR Annual Meeting in Toronto was a tremendous success and a reflection of the vibrancy of her term and our community. Because of her leadership and that of other past-presidents, board and committee members, the Society is well positioned for the future.
As I look forward to 2025, I am excited to remind you of the Society’s strategic priorities and share information on special projects for the year ahead. These initiatives are aligned with our mission to advance bone, mineral, and musculoskeletal science worldwide. Now, more than ever, we are committed to making meaningful progress in several key areas, guided by our shared values and commitment to improving bone health through rigorous and innovate research.
Strategic Priority 1: Improving the Awareness, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Musculoskeletal Diseases
We remain steadfast in improving patient outcomes. In 2025, we will generate task force guidance on two critical topics: discontinuation of Denosumab therapy and atypical femoral fractures. New partnerships with organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and other societies aim to harmonize treatment guidelines for osteoporosis and advocate for increased awareness and access to care globally.
Strategic Priority 2: Investing in the Future of the Field
Supporting the next generation of researchers is essential and a long-term priority of ASBMR. We provide many career development opportunities to early-stage investigators through the LEAD and THRIVE programs, travel awards to meetings around the world, our mentorship program, and other activities. A new working group of the board, led by Drs. Laura Calvi and Joy Wu, was recently convened and is charged with identifying solutions to enhance the pipeline of clinical investigators. The Ambassadors Subcommittee, led by Drs. Ghada El-Hajj Fuleihan and Kate Ward, is championing an exciting International Fellows program and aims to expand it to more places around the world.
Strategic Priority 3: Leading the Research Agenda in Musculoskeletal Science
Our efforts will include educating members on emerging research opportunities. A second working group of the board, led by Drs. Tamara Alliston and Mary Bouxsein, is identifying areas where the bone community can contribute to initiatives focused on women’s health. Meanwhile, the Program Committee, headed by Dr. Lilian Plotkin is exploring innovative ways of enhancing the Annual Meeting experience and event planning through AI-driven tools. We are also engaging with NIH leadership to advocate for the needs of our members.
Strategic Priority 4: Expanding and Supporting Our Global Community
The Membership Engagement Committee, led by Dr. Fayez Safadi, and its aforementioned Ambassadors Subcommittee are exploring the development of globally recognized certifications. They also plan to launch new Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in the areas of Rare Bone Diseases and Bone & Skeletal Muscle Biology. Re-engaging past members and extending our global reach through a digital platform and international collaborations will further strengthen our community.
Special Projects for 2025
The Board has officially approved a comprehensive technology overhaul designed to significantly enhance our operations and improve the member experience. This includes a new association management system (AWS), learning management system (LMS), and community platform, alongside a rebranding effort. Existing data and content will be migrated to the platforms in 2025 and go live in 2026. The new technology will allow us to better track membership data and trends, distribute our educational content and communicate with each other. I want to thank Dr. Rachelle Johnson and the Innovation Committee for their work over the past year in assessing our existing technology and identifying future needs. In the coming year, we will be calling on all committees and volunteers to aide in content development for the new website and community platforms.
Finally, in 2025 we will embark on setting a new strategic plan for the last three years of this decade. ASBMR’s executive director, Doug Fesler, and I are interviewing potential facilitators who will lead us through a comprehensive process and implementation.
These goals reflect our dedication to advancing the field and supporting our members. Your participation and feedback are invaluable as we work together to achieve these ambitions.
Next week, we will celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the United States. I want to share my sincere gratitude to all the ASBMR staff and volunteers who have done so much this year to make our community special. Thank you for your continued commitment to ASBMR.
Jennifer J. Westendorf, Ph.D.
ASBMR President