Ethics Advisory Committee
The Ethics Advisory Committee (EAC) is charged with providing guidance and interpreting the ethical requirements and standards of the Society.
Ethics Advisory Committee Charges
- Assist in the review of ethical issues as requested by Officers, Council, committees, editorial boards, task forces, and ASBMR staff.
- Propose modifications to the Ethics and Policy Guidelines on an as-needed basis.
- Vet disclosure forms for leadership positions, committee nominations and task force membership.
Committee Members
Eileen Shore, Ph.D., Chairperson
Jacqueline Center, Ph.D.
Kristine Ensrud, M.D., MPH
Struan Grant, Ph.D.
David Komatsu, Ph.D.
Michael Mannstadt, M.D.
Alana Serota, M.D.
Charles Sharp, M.D.
Laura Calvi, M.D., Ex-Officio
Angela Belusik, Staff Liaison