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  • Development Committee

    The ASBMR Development Committee is charged to develop and oversee the implementation of the Society’s fundraising strategies for individual annual and major gifts, corporate giving (educational grants/sponsorship), planned giving/endowments, and foundation support.

    The Development Committee is charged to:

    • Develop and oversee the implementation of the Society’s fundraising strategies for individual annual and major gifts, corporate giving (educational grants/sponsorship), planned giving/endowments, and foundation support.
    • Work with the Executive Director and Development Director on ideas for program initiatives, marketing outreach efforts, materials to be used in fundraising efforts, ways to increase awareness of the organization, and encouragement of members to become donors.

    Committee Members

    Elizabeth Bradley, Chair
    Thomas Ambrosi, Ph.D., Dipl.Ing
    Kristina Astleford-Hopper
    Julia Charles, Ph.D., M.D.
    Monica Fornier, M.D.
    Eason Hildreth, DVM, M.S., Ph.D.
    Barbara Hauser, FRCP, Ph.D.
    Fjola Johannesdottir, Ph.D.
    Gabriel Pagnotti, Ph.D.
    Archana Sanjay, Ph.D.
    Deborah Sellmeyer, M.D.
    Joseph Stains, Ph.D., Council Liaison

    Deb Kroll, Staff Liaison

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