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  • Advocacy & Science Policy Committee

    The Advocacy Science Policy Committee is charged with generating recommendations in response to proposed government research initiatives, regulatory requirements, NIH research grant submission policies; an and reviewing issues that affect basic and clinical researchers who are members of ASBMR.

    This committee is also charged to:  
    • Work in close collaboration with FASEB and other coalitions to track the effect of science policies that most impact members.
    • Collaborate with FASEB to provide expert testimony and educational material to aid efforts on Capitol Hill and suggest scientific directions for new grants and funding mechanisms to federal research funding institutions.
    • Review and communicate advocacy and science policy related information regularly to the membership.
    • Work closely with other committees when necessary on issues of mutual concern and of importance to ASBMR members.


    Committee Members

    Michael Hadjiargyrou, Ph.D., Chairperson
    Randee Hunter, Ph.D.
    Frank Ko, Ph.D.
    Meghan McGee-Lawrence, Ph.D.
    Katherine Motyl, Ph.D.
    Orhan Oz, M.D., Ph.D.
    Uma Sankar, Ph.D.
    Rodrigo J. Valderrábano, M.D.
    Bettina Willie, Ph.D.
    John Wysolmerski, M.D.
    Tao Yang, Ph.D.
    Tamara Alliston, Ph.D., Council Liaison

    Doug Fesler, Staff Liaison

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