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  • Research!America

    Research!America is the nation's leading not-for-profit, non-partisan voice for making medical and health research, including research to prevent disease and disability and to promote health, a higher national priority. Its membership represents more than 460 academic institutions, independent research laboratories, teaching hospitals, private industries, professional societies, voluntary health agencies and philanthropies. Research!America's mission is to make medical and health research a much higher national priority.


    • Achieve funding for medical and health research in both public and private sectors at a level warranted by scientific opportunity and supported by public opinion.
    • Better inform the public of the benefits of medical and health research and the institutions and organizations that perform the research.
    • Motivate the public to actively support medical and health research and the complementary sciences that make advances possible.
    • Promote and empower a more active public and political life by the individual members of the research community on behalf of medical and health research, public health, and science overall.

    The ASBMR has been a member of Research!America since 2000.

    Learn more about Research!America and its activities at

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