The Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (JBMR®) is the flagship peer-reviewed publication of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR), and is among the highest-ranked journals in the field, with an impact factor of 5.1 (2023). JBMR®’s international editorial board encourages manuscript submissions from around the world.
JBMR® publishes highly impactful original manuscripts, reviews, and special articles on basic, translational and clinical investigations relevant to the musculoskeletal system and mineral metabolism. The journal is interested in original research on the biology and physiology of skeletal tissues, interdisciplinary research spanning the musculoskeletal and other systems, including but not limited to immunology, hematology, energy metabolism, cancer biology, and neurology, and systems biology topics using large scale “-omics” approaches. The journal welcomes clinical research on the pathophysiology, treatment and prevention of osteoporosis and fractures, as well as sarcopenia, disorders of bone and mineral metabolism, and rare or genetically determined bone diseases.
JBMR® is published monthly on behalf of the ASBMR by Oxford University Press. Most articles appear online in a non–copy-edited “Accepted Article” version within two weeks after acceptance. The copyedited Version of Record appears in Early View within 4 weeks from acceptance before inclusion in the next available print issue.
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